BubbleScan Mobile on Hold

Thank you very much for your feedback on the BubbleScan Mobile initiative.

It turns out that most of you don’t see it as a way to increase your revenues or even have a significant impact on your operations. We will not be moving forward with that feature.

Unless you have $5000 you’d like to invest in it. In that case, please let me know, and we can have this implemented within 5-6 weeks.

By |2022-08-11T19:34:50-06:00August 11th, 2022|BubbleScan|Comments Off on BubbleScan Mobile on Hold

Input on New ACT and SAT Student Reports

If anyone wants to give me their input on an updated student report for ACT and SAT, please call or email me. This is the week to send me your thoughts.

Here is what I have so far:

  1. More graphics for the Question Category Analysis. (This will most likely be a progress bar that takes the place of the Incorrect and Omitted Questions part. And this will most likely mean we’ll need more pages. I’m thinking one page for each Test (English, Math, Reading, Science).
  2. Show more tests in the Score History. (This means I will most likely list the tests vertically, instead of horizontally.)
  3. Show the Test Name in the ACT Score History (it’s already in the SAT Score History).
  4. Omit the WRITTEN score from the Score History since very few students actually do a practice essay and it would simply free up some precious real estate in the score history.
  5. Show a BEST score
  6.  Show more color and/or more exciting graphs on the first page. (I like what SSAT is now doing. Maybe we’ll do something like that.)


By |2022-08-11T19:28:17-06:00August 11th, 2022|BubbleScan|Comments Off on Input on New ACT and SAT Student Reports
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