Help Us Design 2020

Help us Design 2020

Two big enhancements to the OnlineScoreTracker for 2020 are:

  1. New Student Reports for SAT/PSAT, ACT
  2. Practice Questions

We would love to get your input as we create the specifications for our development team.

Here are some higher level guidelines:

1. We do not want to create a stand-alone practice solution, but something that supports you, the tutor, our customer. Khan Academy and the ACT Online Prep are beautiful examples. We do want to develop something along those lines. But, again, our commitment is to you, the tutor, and we want our solution to support you.

2. Every test question can now be assigned to a difficulty level and up to three custom categories (or skills). The ability to do this is in place and has been for several weeks (or months). We want to modify our SAT/PSAT and ACT reports so they can utilize this additional information.

3. Our vision is that we our 2020 SAT/PSAT and ACT student reports provide very ‘actionable’ information to the student and the tutor. What should the student work on?

4. As the tutor you can then assign ‘practice modules’ to the student, which is a set of practice questions focused on a particular topic.

5. We will provide content, but you will have the ability to create your own list of custom categories/skills, your own questions, and assemble your own ‘practice modules’ using either your own questions or draw from our questions.

6. We will monitor the quality of questions using point-biserial correlation and the difficulty index. Our goal is to keep updating questions so eventually we only have the BEST questions in our system.

If you have thoughts or ideas regarding what should be on the new student reports, what they should look like, or how the ‘test questions’ should be handled, please reach out to me now (before the end of December 2019).  Thank you for being great customers. It’s a pleasure working with you and for you. – Joerg Weser

By |2019-12-17T16:19:18-07:00December 17th, 2019|BubbleScan|Comments Off on Help Us Design 2020

Premium Answer Key for SAT #8 Available

The premium answer key for SAT Practice Test #8 from CollegeBoard is now available.

A premium key is one where we have mapped every question to one of our custom categories, such as “Words in Context: Meaning” or “Heart or Algebra: Create Equations”.

An analysis of how a student did within each category is printed on pages 2 and 3 of the student report.

All customers can easily create their own list of custom categories and then map each question of a given answer key to one of those categories. This is a standard feature and many of our tutoring customers rightfully take pride in the value their custom question mapping provides to their students. For tutors who don’t want to take the time to do this, we offer our ‘premium answer keys’ where this mapping has been done.

Our SAT categories are listed here:

We offer premium keys for all 8 of CollegeBoard’s SAT Practice tests. Customers who pay for their OnlineScoreTracker usage with ‘credits’ will receive this upgrade at no charge. For customers under a previous billing plan we will install each premium key for only $45. Once installed you can make use of the key forever.

Please contact us to request one (or all 8) of the answer keys.

By |2017-08-04T13:24:37-06:00August 4th, 2017|BubbleScan|Comments Off on Premium Answer Key for SAT #8 Available

Pre-Print Bubblesheets

You asked for it, you got it.

You can now pre-print bubblesheets with a student’s name, date, test name, and bubbled-in TestID and StudentID.


To accomplish this select one or more students either from the list of students accessed through the CLASSES menu or through the USERS menu. Then select the ACTION “Print Bubblesheets”,


specify a test date and whether or not you want to include additional ESSAY pages.


We will create a PDF like this:

click on image to view sample PDF

When printing, please remember to print using Adobe Reader or Acrobat and specifying ‘ACTUAL SIZE’. We’ve gotten pretty good at reading shrunken pages, but you’ll get the best OMR reading experience when you start with bubblesheets that are printed at 100%.

And in case you are wondering, no, we don’t actually process the ESSAY pages (yet).  We do have some ideas, but they are only ideas at the moment, not active development projects.

By |2017-06-27T10:08:02-06:00June 27th, 2017|BubbleScan, Support|Comments Off on Pre-Print Bubblesheets

New Reports for 2017

We have updated, more colorful reports available for you to use.

Our new ACT report looks more like the official ACT report. And our new SAT report, well, it just looks nicer than the one we had before. Judge for yourself:

You can easily select to use these reports through TOOLS-PREFERENCES.

Simply select the 2017 version of the reports and click SAVE.

If for some reason you prefer to switch back at any time, not a problem. Just select the 2016 version of the reports again.

By |2017-06-27T09:43:04-06:00June 27th, 2017|BubbleScan, Support|Comments Off on New Reports for 2017

Select ALL Students in Class

It’s now easier to deactivate or delete all the students in a class.

When selecting the ‘select All’ checkbox at the top of the displayed list of students belonging to a class, ALL students in the class are selected, not just the ones displayed on the page.

By |2017-03-17T12:31:53-06:00January 28th, 2017|BubbleScan, Support|Comments Off on Select ALL Students in Class

CollegeBoard SAT#7 released

CollegeBoard released their 7th practice test this week and we just added the answer key for it to our database.

You can find the actual test on Khan Academy’s site here:

To install our answer key in your Online Score Tracker account, first download the answer key (csv) from here:

Then go to KEYS in your Online Score Tracker account, click on rSAT keys cell in the table, then select Add rSAT Key and specify the downloaded file. It will install with key ID #7.

You can see a full list of our answer keys here:

We will categorize this test within the next 3 weeks and will then make a PREMIUM version of it available through our website.

By |2017-03-17T12:31:53-06:00January 28th, 2017|BubbleScan|Comments Off on CollegeBoard SAT#7 released

2016 In Review

2016 is drawing to an end. It’s been a great year, thanks to you, our awesome customers.

Aside from numerous tweaks to make things run better and several new answer keys we added to our library, here’s a quick run down of what we accomplished during 2016:

  • Added Class Progress Report (csv)
  • Added Test Question Analysis Report (csv)
  • Added Class Student Reports (pdf)
  • Added Class Score Report (csv)
  • Premium Keys for some ACT and SAT released
  • Added support for ISEE
  • Added support for HSPT
  • Added support for generic 105 question test
  • Added support for a ACT/SAT combo test
  • Added ACT (2016) to account for the new reporting categories introduced by ACT for the 2016/2017 school year
  • Updated student reports for ACT and SAT
  • Added optional Performance by Section table and Fatigue over Time graph to SAT student report
  • Updated User Interface
  • Moved to
  • Added a Bypass-Login-Panel API
  • Added Automatic Creation of Student Accounts API
  • Added an optional email notification when a student completes a section of an online test/answer sheet
  • Added default password when manually creating student accounts
  • Added true ‘USERNAME’ to student profile that can be used to log into student panel
  • Added ‘Darkest Bubble’ logic to speed up reviewing and overall processing
  • Re-wrote BubbleScan Web (currently in beta and accessible as webomr2)

We are looking at several other exciting enhancements for 2017, including better and more reports, offline OMR processing, more PREMIUM keys, student self-registration (currently in development).

Please continue to share your thoughts and ideas with me. Thanks to your feedback and support, the Online Score Tracker is a great platform for Tutoring companies to grade practice tests.

By |2017-03-17T12:31:53-06:00December 19th, 2016|BubbleScan|Comments Off on 2016 In Review

Keys for New CollegeBoard SATs Available

The College Board finally made available two additional official SAT practice tests. We have added the answer keys for these two tests to our database of free answer keys.

You can download the actual tests here:

You can easily access our database of answer keys through a new button we’ve added to the home screen of your PREP.BubbleScan account as well as links on the ACT, SAT, PSAT ‘Add Key’ pages. (Or by following this link: )

2016-08-24_home screen with link to keys page


On the answer key page, select SAT and then click on the test names to download the free answer keys.

2016-08-24_keys page SAT


To install the new keys into your PREP.BubbleScan account, enter your PREP.BubbleScan account, click on KEYS, then on rSAT Keys

2016-08-24_add keys 1

Select  Add rSAT Key

2016-08-24_add keys 2

Select to Upload a compatible rSAT answer key file and click Continue (top right of your screen)

2016-08-24_add keys 3

Then browse to one of the downloaded answer keys and upload it.

If you already have an answer key with the key IDs we assigned (#5 and #6) you will be prompted to either override what you have or save the new key under a different key ID.

2016-08-24_add keys 4

Or if you can drop us an email and we’ll add them to your account for $10.

By |2017-03-17T12:31:53-06:00August 24th, 2016|BubbleScan|Comments Off on Keys for New CollegeBoard SATs Available

New ACT Essay Scores

Starting with the next ACT test in September, ACT essay scores will be reported as an average of the 4 essay sub scores, resulting in a score of 2-12.

Effective immediately all ACT essay scores will be reported the same way when scoring ACT tests using the newACT (aka ACT 2015) method.

For more information about the new ACT essay scores, please check the ACT news:

By |2016-07-13T13:27:36-06:00July 13th, 2016|BubbleScan|Comments Off on New ACT Essay Scores
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